With murals of Shiva and other deities being made over the walls, the freshly painted railings and surfaces of various temples bear a new look as the Pashupatinath Temple prepares for the first Shivratri or the night of Lord Shiva post the COVID-19 pandemic.
United States has clarified that Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) ratification is Nepal s sovereign decision, as the deadline to ratify the pact approaches.
The Embassy of the United States in Nepal on Friday said that violence and incitement to violence in the name of protests is not at all acceptable, as demonstrations objecting to the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)- Nepal Compact, a US-funded infrastructure programme turned violent.
An impeachment motion has been tabled at the Parliament Secretariat on Sunday against beleaguered Chief Justice Cholendra Shumsher JB Rana by lawmakers from the ruling alliance.