dwash dash pissed. you want your kid to get skin cancer, so i don t know what you are talking about. he just wants the skin to be nice and crispy. i would rather see him die at 50 a man than make it to 85 as a puss. that s all i m saying. that is the title of your next book. thank you. put that on his tombstone. and you are raising the men nene des boys? menendez boys. they should be let out of prison, by the way. if my son says to my daughter somewhere around 19, i got an idea. how about we load up a shotgun and shoot mom and dad while they are eating haagen dasz and watching football and my daughter says to my son, all right, i m in. we did a piss poor job of raising authorize kids. it is nature or nurture. either way we deserve the shot. the thing is those guys didn t they get married in jail? they have families. bill, you don t have a family.