Friday is the 11th day of the 11th month of 2022. Canadians across the country are asked to pause at 11th hour to remember the thousands of men and women who sacrificed their lives in military service. As the world shifts away from the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, the Legion realizes that some members of the public will be reluctant to attend the ceremony to honour those
he Nelson Air Cadets have started meeting in person again after meeting virtually for most of the last year. In October, the cadets were able to use Lakeside Park and learn about orienteering using both compasses and GPS sets. In November, the squadron was able to restart its range program where the cadets learn how to safely fire the cadet air rifle. The cadets also were
BC Provincial Government recently said in a media release new relief funding is being provide for Legion branches in BC, including the Nelson Legion on Stanley Street. This funding will help ensure our branches can continue to provide essential services to our veterans and their families, and community services across BC. Like many in the food and beverage industry, Royal
by Contributor on Monday January 11 2021
The Nelson Legion Branch 51 is extremely grateful after Kootenay Columbia MP Rob Morrison presented President Bill Andreaschuk with a cheque for $10,000 for support during COVID-19.
The funds, recently presented by MP Morrison at the Nelson Legion on Stanley Street, are part of the COVID-19 relief package that will be used by most Royal Canadian Legions across Canada which are suffering to make ends meet during the pandemic.
The Nelson Legion Branch 51 will use the funds to offset rent, utilities, wages and supplies.
“We (Nelson Legion Branch 51) are very grateful for the support and as always will use these funds wisely,” Andreaschuk said.