Nasa to return to Venus with two missions planned by 2030 First US-led mission to atmosphere of solar system’s hottest planet since 1978
about 4 hours ago
Venus made with data from the Magellan spacecraft and Pioneer Venus Orbiter. Photograph: NASA/JPL-Caltech via AP
Nasa has announced two robotic missions to Venus after decades of exploring other worlds.
The space agency will return to Earth’s closest neighbour which is also the solar system’s hottest planet, new Nasa administrator Bill Nelson said in his first major address to employees.
“These two sister missions both aim to understand how Venus became an inferno-like world capable of melting lead at the surface,” Mr Nelson said.
we ll find a pass-through reform measure that will make senator johnson feel that pass-throughs are being treated more fairly. one thing i agree with senator johnson on, i don t like the idea that c-corporations can deduct their state and local taxes and pass-through individuals and entities can t. so i would support a change to the senate bill that would take away from c-corporations the ability to deduct at a time and local taxes and put them in the same boat as everybody else. one final question. your good friend, senator mccain, what do you think? because he s leaving the door open, either way. here s what i think. john will look at this long and hard. his number one goal is to restore defense spending to my democratic colleagues. i can t imagine turning down a request from president obama to meet with him, even though we disagreed. to pelosi and schumer, you know, you ve got a job to do. you represent the party out of power. but there s a deal to be had to
senator, lindsey graham. we re following more breaking news, the republican tax bill clearing a very important hurdle tonight with the senate budget committee apeproving the measur. senator, we ll talk about that in a moment. but i want to go to cnn s congressional correspondent, sunlen serfaty right now. sunlen, tell us more about this important vote today and what happens next. well, what happens next, wolf, is this tax bill now heads to the full senate floor for a vote in front of the full senate. and it was remarkable that the fact of the matter is that just getting a vote out of the senate budget committee today was a difficult task for senate republicans. there was some drama leading into it. it was not a sure thing that this republican tax bill would get out of the budget committee. it ended up voting along party lines, but that fact really underscoring that there is considerable concern, consternation among republicans, about parts of that bill. you had senator ron johnson, w
murray/collins/nelson on any bill. i believe the president will keep his word. and i think that is a good deal for the country at large. we still don t know if your other republican colleagues, senators corker and flauk ake a yes on the bill when it comes up on the senate floor. but wouldn t winning them over potentially yauz other republican votes as the majority leader, mitch mcconnell says, this is a rubik s cube. well, it s not people have legitimate concerns. what if the economy doesn t grow the way we think it will. and the revenue doesn t come in? the trigger is to deal with that situation. senator corker says, if we don t grow the way you think we will, then i want to have a pc stop, i think he s reached an accommodation with the finance committee that to me is a really good deal. if we don t hit that 4/10 of 1% gdp growth, there will be a trigger that will roll back some