Four Arkansas voting laws formally struck down as illegal this week should be allowed to go into effect until the state Supreme Court can decide whether the measures pass constitutional muster, government lawyers argued Thursday.
The legal challenge to four new state voter laws saw its first day in court Tuesday, with the League of Women Voters and other plaintiffs claiming the laws deliberately make voting harder and sometimes impossible for voters that are poor, minorities or have certain health problems.
The legal challenge to four new state voter laws saw its first day in court Tuesday, with the League of Women Voters and other plaintiffs claiming the laws deliberately make voting harder and sometimes impossible for voters that are poor, minorities or have certain health problems.
The Arkansas Supreme Court on Thursday denied claims at least for the moment that the state is lawsuit-proof in a ruling over litigation by the League of Women Voters, immigrant advocates and some voters that challenges the legality of new voter laws.
The Arkansas Supreme Court on Thursday denied claims at least for the moment that the state is lawsuit-proof in a ruling over litigation by the League of Women Voters, immigrant advocates and some voters that challenges the legality of new voter laws.