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Changes to urban Geelong residential zones
The following changes have been made to two residential zones in urban Geelong under amendment GC172 by the Minister for Planning gazetted on 23/12/2020:
Residential Growth Zone Schedule 2 (RGZ2) to General Residential Zone Schedule 4 (GRZ4) and modifies the maximum building height from 10.5 metres, to 11 metres and 3 storeys.
The ‘Increased Housing Diversity Areas’ affected include: Bell Park, Bell Post Hill, Newcomb, Belmont, Corio Shopping Centre, East Geelong, Geelong West, Hamyln Heights, Highton, Lara, Marshall, North Geelong, South Geelong and Waurn Ponds.
General Residential Zone Schedule 2 (GRZ2) to Neighbourhood Residential Zone Schedule 8 (NRZ8) to retain the maximum building height of 9 metres.