With declining rates of Covid-19 infections and deaths across the US, more cities and states have lifted safety restrictions in anticipation of a better summer.
The Department of Health in Leon County (DOH Leon) in partnership with the Florida Department of Health, The Florida Division of Emergency Management, and multiple private and public sector partners continues its mission to get all eligible Leon County residents vaccinated as quickly, safely, and equitable as possible. DOH provides details on these efforts in a weekly COVID-19 update.
We certainly realize there are plenty of vaccine sites all over town, said LCS assistant superintendent Alan Cox, who oversees health and wellness at the district. We’re trying to increase the percentage of our employees as well as get 16 and 17-year-olds vaccinated.
Cox said the mobile clinic is a partnership with the Florida Department of Health-Leon County and will administer both the Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson vaccines. Cox said the mobile unit has the capacity to administer up to 400 doses per day.
Currently, the Pfizer vaccine is the only one cleared for 16- and 17-year-olds. Those under 18 will need a parent or guardian present at the time of vaccination. The mobile unit will return to the high school sites for second dose appointments.
The developer who has for years tried to transform the corner of Tennessee and Macomb streets has again revised plans to bring a market and urgent care clinic to the entrance of Frenchtown that includes bringing on another development partner.
The Frenchtown/Southside Community Redevelopment Agency Citizen Advisory Committee Monday will get a glimpse at a proposal by developer Tony Brown that is requesting $6.5 million to help bring to life two different projects: Two mixed-use development sites with housing and parking and commercial space.
The proposed total cost for the project is upwards of $38 million.
Brown’s request includes a $1 a year land lease for the next 99 years or the purchase of CRA property for $10 as well as the acquisition of adjoining private properties to be transferred to the CRA as part of the ground lease.