Part II, Manzanita 300-Yr-Old Spanish Galleon Find: Historic Surprises for Oregon Coast - Some information not previously released, struggles to retrieve the pieces
This week, under the watchful eyes of state and marine archaeologists, a crew of sheriff’s deputies, state parks employees and others scrambled over barnacle-crusted rocks at low tide to haul out timbers now believed to belong to the wreck of Santo Cristo de Burgos, a Spanish galleon also known as the Beeswax for the valuable wax that formed part of its cargo.
The 40-foot-long shipwreck, unearthed near Bordeaux, consists of beams that have not been in contact with oxygen or light for quite a while, resulting in them dehydrating and splitting.
Timbers from the shipwreck that inspired The Goonies have been recovered in Oregon, USA by the Maritime Archaeology Society, after a fisherman reported spotting them in sea caves