will be in federal court here in washington d.c. tomorrow afternoon. but after a two year negotiation back-and-forth the u.s. was able to get him into custody and extradited back to the united states to face these charges. now a pan am flight 103 was headed to jfk airport in new york city. eventually it was then to go to detroit but blew up over lockerbie, scotland. he is accused of making the bomb that exploded. two others were charged but never extradited to the united states. in this tragedy is the first to face charges on u.s. soil. tom amber mount with 36 result there there he is when he died becoming on a business trip survived by his wife and two daughters what was booked was a brother in the last hour who credited the white house and the biden administration. but the same time believes iran was involved, listen to this. you are a senator in 1988.
are first of all, you know things that were added back in after some negotiation back and foertd, and a lot of people paid family leave will probably be discussed and negotiated. but most of the programs in there have been very finely tuned negotiated already. there is no take, for instance, we are going to lower the cost of prescription drugs for millions of people across this country. we re going to expand access to health care. those are going to stay. those have been negotiated. i m very proud of the fact that bob casey and i have a bill on long-term care that will get almost a million seniors on waiting lists and people with disability for home community-based care. that s been negotiated. that can go no place other than where it is right now. so most of the programs in there will be as we know it and they ll be probably be some discussion on taxes, paid family leave. but i think the bill as we see it will be close to what we see across. in terms of paid family