death of a child, in my opinion, personally, in my particular case, all the first responders and police officers on this initial scene were in a room waiting for him to show up, and he had not spoken to me, not spoken to my husband. and he said, okay, i want all of you to write all your statements right now as much in as much detail as you can. we re going to charge her for everything we can. so basically, that set the tone for my guilt or innocence, and he had never even spoken to me. whether we re perfect parents, or not, whether we act morally correct negates whether we accidentally left them in the car. i certainly was not a perfect mother. did i get upset? did i get frustrated as a parent? did i make mistakes as a parent? was i always morally correct? no. i wasn t sexting or anything of
so where did he go? because it didn t smell foul, according to fbi and police. if he had been missing for two weeks, it would have stunk. and i confirmed that the police looked in the basement, fbi looked in the basement. he and the stepmother looked in the basement. i found it odd the stepmother would not give a polygraph to local police. but the father voluntarily gave one to the fbi. so it kind of negates there. also, what i don t like is people saying, oh, this kid is a run-away. well, that is not entirely true. the one time, brooke, this child went missing, it was for a couple hours. i was first told it was between takes and hours. but it was a couple of hours. the mother, the bio mom, his mommy, lives about two miles away. and he was by her house when he was found, apparently going to see his mommy. i don t count that as an unruly runaway. so i ve got to figure out, why did this child want to be away and lost for two weeks?
of rape and resulting in pregnancy are very low. but when you make that exception, when you make that exception, there s usually a requirement to report the rape within 48 hours. and in this case, it s impossible. because this is in the sixth month of gestation. and that s what complete negates the purpose for such an amendment. so, it s another republican politician kicking up controversy by talking about rape. within hours, pro-choice groups send out e-mails and democrats eagerly pounced. frank s comments the loudest example of politics returning to the spotlight. earlier this week, the obama administration blocked over-the-counter access to emergency contraception for women and girls of all ages. the legislature passed a bill typically done first trimester. soon sign a state budget that would give him the power to approve or deny funding on a
odd little breaks in the senate sessions. so, if this decision holds and it s undoubtedly i think appealed to the supreme court, the white house was really pushing back on it. white house spokesperson jay carney said it s novel, unprecedented. contradicts practice. likely going to the supreme court and if the court agrees with this ruling today, it will scale back power that presidents of both parties using well over a century. pete, does that mean it negates everything back for cordray? let s use him as an example. negates the work back to january of 2012 and what s that mean for things implemented if this is deemed to not be a standing appointment? sure. by itself, today s ruling does nothing to the what the consumer fraud protection board did. consumer finance protection board. but it certainly is a blueprint for someone to challenge what
roles, florida, stop looking to see if you are supposed to do the normal housekeeping of making sure your roles are clean. some people are saying, we need further guidance. some people who have been disqualified in this first batch of names that have been sent down to the counties. so, you know, in my opinion, if there is one person that is committing, which is a felony, voter fraud, then that negates my vote, it s one too many. eric: what do you think about what the department of justice is doing? they are protecting the right to vote, the most sacrosanct right in this country and you don t want to unfairly bar anybody from voting. i think they are playing politics. the goal of this program that the governor has asked the local supervisors of elections is to make sure that the names on the list are correct. that s all he is doing. to do that, you use other