Medical aspirants can expect NEET 2021 results soon as the Supreme Court has paved the way for the declaration of the results. Earlier, the Bombay High Court had asked the NTA to withhold the result and hold the medical entrance test again for two students who had faced issues while attempting the exam.“We’ll issue notice
Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud on Sunday said that the sheer amount of NEET litigation shows the demand for, but also a need for reform in, medical education in the country
The petitioners argued that the candidates were subjected to last-minute chaos and confusion only because of the fault on part of the National Board of Examinations.
NEET PG 2023 Postponement Plea: The Supreme Court (SC), the apex court, is likely to hear the plea seeking postponement of the NEET-PG Examination on Friday. aaa
Postpone NEET PG 2023 Live Updates: Taking to Twitter, Rohan Krishnan, national chairman of the Federation of All India Medical Association (FAIMA), said the members of the FAIMA are waiting for the Supreme Court hearing. aaa