The Delhi government has announced a free coaching scheme called ‘Jai Bhim Mukhyamantri Pratibha Vikas Yojana’ for students preparing for several entrance exams including UPSC, CDS, NEET, JEE Main among others. As many as 15,000 students from marginal communities including scheduled castes (SC), scheduled tribes (ST) and other backward classes (OBC) will be shortlisted for the
The coaching partner will also provide up-to-date study/test materials, doubt-clearing session, All-India level tests paper, and also access to online study material and recorded topic-wise lectures and videos.
Founded in 2015, the organisation aims to foster inclusivity in medical education, ensuring accessibility for underprivileged students, including those from Scheduled Tribes, Scheduled Castes, and women.
News News: The Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) has released a notice for the interview-cum-counselling round for enrollment into the free coaching programm
Considering the number of students registering to enter into an IIT or grab a UG medical seat, several state governments and school boards offer free coaching facilities to the JEE Main and NEET UG aspirants.