Our best selling Leatherman pocket tool the Leatherman Wave multi-tool was made famous by its outside-accessible blades that can be deployed with just one hand. When Leatherman redesigned it in 2004, they gave the new
and kidnapping after allegedly torturing a man she believed to be a police informant. anything i can do to help put a snitch down is my pleasure. so it was your pleasure when you committed this murder? see that s kind of [ bleep ] up, i don t know what my lawyer would say if i answered that straight out, yes, yes, it was. but, yeah. the charred, dismembered remains of the victim who authorities state was not an informant, were discovered inside a trash can. he had been stabbed 50 times and showed other signs of torture. though simpson has entered a not guilty plea in court, she openly describes some of her actions to us. ripped his teeth out. that s my favorite. how d you do that? with some needlenose pliers. kind of ripped. you know. what made you think of that? what made me think of it? to do that. prior tooth pain. pretty agonizing. yeah.
anything i can do to help put a snitch down is my pleasure. so it was your pleasure when you committed this murder? see that s kind of [ bleep ] up, i don t know what my lawyer would say if i answered that straight out, yes, yes, it was. but, yeah. the charred, dismembered remains of the victim who authorities state was not an informant, were discovered inside a trash can. he had been stabbed 50 times and showed other signs of torture. though simpson has entered a not guilty plea in court, she openly describes some of her actions to us. ripped his teeth out. that s my favorite. how d you do that? with some needlenose pliers. kind of ripped. you know. what made you think of that? what made me think of it? to do that. prior tooth pain. pretty agonizing.
torturing a man she believed to be a police informant. anything i can do to help put a snitch down is my pleasure. so it was your pleasure when you committed this murder? see that s kind of [ bleep ] up, i don t know what my lawyer would say if i answered that straight out, yes, yes, it was. but, yeah. the charred, dismembered remains of the victim who authorities state was not an informant, were discovered inside a trash can. he had been stabbed 50 times and showed other signs of torture. though simpson has entered a not guilty plea in court, she openly describes some of her actions to us. ripped his teeth out. that s my favorite. how d you do that? with some needlenose pliers. kind of ripped. you know. what made you think of that? what made me think of it? to do that. prior tooth pain. pretty agonizing. yeah. i thought maybe i could distribute that. yeah.