THE NIGHT Review: Trippy Terror at the Hotel By Chad Collins
Written by Kourosh Ahari and Milad Jarmooz
Directed by Kourosh Ahari
“They hear the truth, morning comes” a malevolent drifter whispers to Neda Naderi (Noousha Noor) midway through
The Night, Kourosh Ahari’s auspicious Iranian-American genre debut. Neda and her husband Babek (Shahab Hosseini) are en route to their home when an auto accident, Babek’s insobriety, and the imbroglio of downtown Los Angeles compel them to pull the car over and rent a room for the night. Things quickly spiral as the Naderis, including their infant daughter, are plagued by specters in the dark, an ever-changing urban landscape, and a morning that defiantly, hauntingly refuses to come. Punctuated by paranoid shades of Kubrick’s