Can you imagine showing up to a drag strip and delighting the crowd by pounding the quarter-mile marker in 7.23 seconds while doing nearly 200 mph? That is what Ned Dunphy’s record-breaking Vengeance Racing Twin Turbo Viper is capable of.
May 6, 2021, 6:05 am
To achieve the best expression of heat and the best conception rates, we need to do everything we can to ensure that cows are in good body condition score (BCS) and their feed requirements are met.
In the spring-calving dairy herd, May is the most important month of the year for breeding activity, according to Waterford-based Ned Dunphy from the Farm Relief Services, and veterinary surgeon Ger Cusack of Comeragh Veterinary.
Lameness reducing conception rates
Research shows that cows that are lame graze for shorter periods of time and spend longer periods lying down. Their dry matter intake is reduced, and they tend to lose body condition.
2,000+ HP Twin-Turbo Viper Builds Boost, Does Wheelie and 7s Passes 5 Apr 2021, 19:11 UTC ·
by 13 photos
Unless we re mistaken, the wingless snake is the same one that recently took part in the big TX2K event, where we showed it going up against the Yoda Supra. It too got eliminated before reaching the finals, but that doesn t mean this isn t an extreme machine.
First, let s start with the forced induction. Twin-turbo conversions are not uncommon in the drag racing world. And this Calvo system has been under development for over six years, slowly building power. But think of how unusual it is for a Viper to be building up turbo boost.