onon your schehedule. and d i find 92%2% ofof colon canancers. i m m for peoplele 45+ at average e risk for c colon canc, not high r risk. falslse positiveve and negatae results s may occur.r. asask your prorovider if cologuauard is righght for y. mymy name is d douglas. i m m a writer/d/director and i m ststill workining. inin the kind d of work ththat, you arare surroundnded by peoe who are alall younger r than . i i had to getet help sosomewhere alalong the lile toto stay compmpetitive. i didiscovered p prevagen. i stararted takingng it and afafter a peririod of ti, mymy memory imimproved. it was a a game-chananger for. prevevagen. healthieier brain. b better l. don t children have the ability to remind us of what s important in life? just wait until you meet 9-year-old rose evenson who is a cancer survivor giving back.
Chillicothe, Missouri, has an unusual claim to fame: It’s the town where pre-sliced bread first debuted back in 1928. The state has even declared July 7, Sliced Bread Day, as an official holiday. But despite being less than a century old, the origin of this revolutionary pantry staple was almost lost to history.