Welcome to One Nation, thanks for dating early or late. Tonights show is a good one. What does Donald Trump have to do to win it is he doing just that . The reason for Free Speech and do you remember when snl was funny across The Street . He did, too and Dave Mccormick want to be the next senator from pennsylvania and the basic dead heat. If trump wins, he wins. I caught up with him on the Campaign Trail. I hope you will love the future but we begin with this. Election interference is already having an trump is already paying the price. Attorney general confirming Trump Campaign is packed since august and still being hacked today. There are actors in this world that poses greater threat to the national security, united states as is iran. The u. S. Government is intensely tracking plotting against current and former u. S. Government officials including former President Trump. Not only are they threatening him but they took all of his campaign seven give it to media outlets including bid
Mark Hello America i am Mark Levin and this is life, Liberty Levin saturday. First a moment to thank you. Ive been out of commission three or four weeks. I had a terrible fall, terrible accident. But theres a lot worse i will tell you i looked at these wounded warriors and look at our friend, trust me theres a lot worse people fall every day. But i doing to thank you. And i want to move on. We are on a mission here. And i want to tell you something ive had a lot of time to think. Thats the American Flag behind me right there. That is not a joke. That is not a marxist Islamic Symbol to burn and trash our country this is part of the Fifth Marine Division that landed on iwo jima. Too that man there . That was my grandfather. He also fought in guam and survive. See this, that is my father. Seventeen years old joined the Army Air Corporation or they fought for that flag right there. When i watch whats going on on our streets even the past few days we spoke to the United Nations there carryi
WIll Its the 8 a. M. Hour of fox FrIends Weekend dhs tryIng to down Play Data revealIng Tens Of Thousands of Illegal crImInals roomIng free across the Country And Trump says VIce PresIdent s harrIs Is to blame. They werent checked vetted It Is so sad to see and you know what thIs Is a dIsqualIfIer for her. ThIs Is just a dIsqualIfIer for harrIs. WIll Shannon Bream reacts lIve ahead. Jonathon dIllard joIned us for the fIrst Tv IntervIew sInce her husband was kIlled In the lIne of duty. Im not a polItIcIan but I can only plug my crIes out there tell my husbands story. Beg them not to let It happen to Anybody Else. Pete she joIned us ahead of the 23rd annual tun to towers 5k Run And Walk and so wIll DennIs QuaId the thIrd hour of fox FrIends Weekend starts rIght now. Rachel good MornIng Everybody 8 00 here In new York CIty. We hope youre havIng a good as mornIng youre havIng at 10 hours of sleep hes stIll goIng and lots of coffee. Back on caffeIne but natIonal CaffeIne Day and FIre House
Everyone. Thank you so much for joInIng us thIs mornIng. Welcome to Sunday MornIng futures, Im marIa bartIromo. Today, Iran on Its heels and On The Run as the Supreme Leader Is taken to the a secure locatIon fearIng Israel after Israel decImates hezbollah, takIng out another longtIme leader of the terrorIst group. As the BIdenharrIs AdmInIstratIon faIls to respond to Irans Act of war, threatenIng and hackIng a former presIdent. ComIng up, former dIrecter of natIonal IntellIgence John RatclIffe on Israels Pushback of a Threefront War as amerIcan adversarIes contInue on the march. Plus, my exclusIve wIth presIdent Andres Duda of poland on RussIas Assault on ukraIne and the world as he urges polIshamerIcans to go out and vote In electIon 2024. Plus, the state of the races wIth PresIdent Trumps son and the executIve VIce PresIdent of the Trump OrganIzatIon. Donald Trump Jr. Is here on the attacks, the world on fIre and the polls. Plus, bad polIcy gone deadly. VIce presIdent Kamala HarrIs f
Early voting underway in several states performer President Trump he is campaigning in Battleground Pennsylvania this afternoon. Vice president Kamala Harris remains out west for a rally in another swing state. And that of nevada. Running mates at Jd Vance, Tim Walz are preparing to debate each other facetoface in just two days. A much more on all of that. But first, israel took out the head of transit 17 was expanding its attacks against irans proxies. Israels military it says it struck houthi in Terror Targets in yemen near a key port that has been used to ship iranian weapons throughout the region. Meantime israel also keeping up the Pressure Idf said they killed another about that iran that Groups Commander that is at least seven taken out and just over a week. On Friday Israel eliminated hezbollah leader and the bold airstrike on beirut. A wave of targeted killings that have wiped out almost all of the iranian backed Terror Groups and leadership. The radical islamic terrorists and