Hybrid hearing. Pursuant to house rules, some members will appear in person and others will appear remotely via webx. Some members are appearing in person. Let me first remind everyone that pursuant to the latest guidance from the attending physician, all individuals attending the hearing in person must wear a face mask unless you are speaking. Members not wearing a face mask will not be recognized. Let me also make a few reminders for these members appearing in person. You will only see members and witnesses appearing remotely on the monitor in front of you when they are speaking in what is known as webx as active speaker view. The timer is visible in the room directly in front of you. For members appearing remotely, i know you are all familiar with webx by now, but let me remind you of a few points. First, you will be able to see each person speaking during the hearing, whether they are in person or remote, as long as you have your webx set to active speaker view. If you have any que
With the top stories from the past 7 days and right up to the moment of elements as well this is the weekly on r. T. International law and welcome to the program. 11 people have been arrested following the brutal slaying of a history teacher in france its believed some new will poncy was targeted for showing caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad to his pupils to debate freedom of expression large crowds gathered in Central Park West to pay tribute to the murdered man who was the capitated many came carrying flowers and Holding Signs proclaiming just we prophet. Several other vigils have been taking place across france 100 scattered in little too loose to decry violence and support freedom of speech a National Tribute for mr party is planned for whedons day. Prosecutors say the beheading was carried out by an 18 year old of chechen origin who was born in moscow his family moved to france 12 years ago seeking political asylum in russia say as in such cases citizenship is usually withdrawn
Twopart hearing with drug company leaders. It is three hours 35 minutes. Welcome to todays hybrid hearing pursuant to House Speaker rules some members will appear in person and others will appearer remotely. Some members are appearing in person, let me first remind everyone that pursuant to the latest guidance of the house attending physician, all individuals attending this hearing and person must wear a face mask, unless you are speaking. Members whono are not wearing a face mask will not be recognize recognized. Let me also make a few reminders for these members appearing in person. You will only see members and witnesses appearing remotely on the monitor in front of you. When they are speaking and what is known as web act as active speaker view. A timer is visible in theib room directly in front of you. For members appearing know youre all familiar with web ex by now, but let me remind you of a few points. Whether they are in person or remote song as they have their web ex set to ac
Members will appear in person and others will appear remotely via webx. Some members are appearing in person. Let me first remind everyone that pursuant to the latest guidance from the attending physician, all individuals attending the hearing in person must wear a face mask unless you are speaking. Members not wearing a face mask will not be recognized. Let me also make a few reminders for these members appearing in person. You will only see members and witnesses appearing remotely on the monitor in front of you when they are speaking in what is known as webx as active speaker view. The timer is visible in the room directly in front of you. For members appearing remotely, i know you are all familiar with webx by now, but let me remind you of a few points. First, you will be able to see each person speaking during the hearing, whether they are in person or remote, as long as you have your webx set to active speaker view. If you have any questions about this, please Contact Committee st
Let me also make a few reminders for these members appearing in person. You will only say members and witnesses appearing remotely on the monitor in front of you when they are speaking and active speaker view. A timer is visible in the room directly in front of you. For members appearing remotely i know you are all familiar with the webex by now but let me remind you of a few points. First you will be able to see each person speaking during the hearing. Whether they are in person or remote. As long as you have your webex set the active speaker view. If you have any questions about this please Contact Committee staff. Second, we have timer that should be visible on your screen when youre in the active thumbnail view. The house rules require we see you so please have your cameras turned on at all times. Fourth, members appearing remotely who are not recognized should remain muted to minimize background noise and feedback. Since i will recognize members verbally and let members retain the