Southeast Nebraska farmers and crop consultants can sharpen their management strategies for the third and fourth most grown crops at the third annual Southeast Nebraska Alfalfa & Wheat Expo.
BROOKINGS — South Dakota State University Extension, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension, the Northern Plains Forage Association and I-29 Moo University will co-host a Forage Field Day in August.
BROOKINGS — South Dakota State University Extension, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension, the Northern Plains Forage Association and I-29 Moo University will co-host a Forage Field Day in August.
Testing hay is a small investment that can pay big dividends in efficiency, reduced waste and better ration development. Troy M. Walz, Extension educator with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension service, said he sees a.
Volunteering is a great way for people to give back to their communities. Many people give back out of a desire to help others, but those same individuals may acknowledge