There are plenty of reasons why people stay single, but sometimes we are in denial of the real reasons relationships just aren't working. Here are 6 lies you keep believing about why you're still single.
Guys, does it seem like all your dates end up getting you nowhere? Find out if you could be making one of these 10 dating pitfalls that send her running without even realizing it!
Conservative commentator Tucker Carlson said “no decent person would defend” what happened to Alexei Navalny after the Russian opposition leader’s death in prison was announced Friday. Carlson, a former Fox News pundit who has faced backlash for his recent extended interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin, told the Daily Mail in a statement, “It’s horrifying…
Though some people dread the thought of being single forever, the truth is that married life is sometimes more trouble than its worth. Find out why dating is better than marriage in the long-run.