these lines since july and had not said anything until late last week which is something president trump jumped on today. president trump: is an outstanding intellect, outstanding judge respected by everybody, never had even a little blemish on his record. the fbi has i think gone through the process six times with himnk over the years where he went to higher and higher positions. judge kavanaugh spent quite a bit of time with senator feinstein and it wasn t even brought up at that meeting and she had this information. a key republican swing vote on all of this, susan collins also said she s wondering why the original anonymous letter from dr. ford was not dealt witi sooner. but she end of the republicans like jeff flake and bob corker say they want a thorough investigation of facts before obey will move forward on this. hannity: ed henry in washington and now with reaction, jay sekulow.nd full disclosure he has done legal work for me in the past.