GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS. APEC illustration of solar panels. Solar energy is one option for reducing future greenhouse gas emissions. (ANTARA/HO-APEC Secretariat) JAKARTA - Expanding the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) list of environmental goods will boost Asia-Pacific's response to the urgency of adaptation to and mitigation of the global climate crisis and promote sustainability, an APEC Policy Support Unit policy brief said. The APEC list of environmental goods is a commitment endorsed by leaders in 2012 to reduce the tariff rates of 54 goods to 5 percent or less by the end of 2020, to improve access to environmental technologies, and contribute to green growth and trade liberalization. The list includes solar panels, wind turbines, bamboo flooring, as well as environmental monitoring, analysis, and assessment equipment, among others. Since then, the trade of products on the list has grown significantly for the APEC region, according to a release issued by the APEC Pol