Press Release:
NCACC encourages you to contact your House Members(s) today to ask them to support an amendment to House Bill 729 Charter School Omnibus to eliminate a provision that would give counties authority to provide capital appropriations to charter schools. NCACC opposes this provision contained in section 2 of the bill for the following key reasons:
County resources for public schools are already limited. There is a documented $8.1 billion in unmet K-12 public school needs. Applying further pressure to provide capital funds to charter schools will spread strained resources even more thin.
Tax payers currently retain ownership of tax funded capital projects. Most of the time it is the county that retains ownership of the tax funded capital projects, and in the case of traditional public schools it is the local school district, elected by the public, that retains legal ownership. This does not seem to be the case with charter schools, and there are many.