MORE than £1.7 billion in child trust funds (CTFs) to help young people financially in early adulthood has not yet been claimed, a cross-party panel of MPs has said.
usually, who is a republican state assemblyman in californi a . assemblyman, what the heck is going on here? this seems like anothecalifos oo move by the democrats. it s completelycr racist.s wn it s wrong and it s unconstitutional. and whatg nstituti they re doing is they keep using these words and terminology like system impacted people or mass incarceration, which ignores the reality. i i m a former prosecutor. i ve never looked at somebody s race when filing a cast soe. ctf i look at the facts of the caset and you re judged based on individual conduct, not as a group or as a as a larger entity. now, the assemblyman who actually introduced this gem of a bill is alsorepa on the california reparations task force now. this was what hera force.this is ago. the supreme court is really bring you back de facto segregation. but california has an opportunity to reverse ite it a and to do it in the right way, going to work diligentlyndt way. to sure we can get as much done
Bancorp 34, Inc. (OTCMKTS:BCTF – Get Rating)’s share price dropped 5.4% during mid-day trading on Monday . The company traded as low as $9.08 and last traded at $9.08. Approximately 1,023 shares were traded during trading, a decline of 61% from the average daily volume of 2,592 shares. The stock had previously closed at $9.60. […]