and just take it outside. ert is used for the major disturbances. we are used to quell riotous .gather intel. inside the armory at theo lacey, the emergency response team suits up to confront an inmate considered to be a dangerous threat. i m sending you guys into nb danger, i know. this is not a drill. this is an ad seg that means. correct? this means he s assaultive to other inmates but also assaultive possibly to staff. that kind of amps it up a little bit. the inmate is albert briceno. orange county from a maximum security state prison, in order to appeal his current sentence e than 150 years on multiple counts of gang-related armed robbery. albert briceno is a gang member from hard trden grove. he goes by the moniker of capone. he was mainly brought up in the gang life through his family, through his mom and surrounding family members. he was basically born into the gangs. i just grew up, like, angry. it wasn t cool showing your emotions. i channeled all that hu