Disqualified, Judge Robert Bowers assigned the felony case against Richard R. Klein, 52, of Martinez, to Department 11, where the defendant faces a trial setting on Dec. 5 in the Justice Center in Fairfield.
After a Vallejo judge’s disqualification, the double-murder case against a 52-year-old Martinez man has been returned to Department 11 in Fairfield for a trial setting and reassignment in the coming weeks.
First responders carry the weight of the crimes they’ve handled long after their shifts end. Their dedication to public safety is unrivaled, but the trauma they endure often goes unnoticed.
Justin Petty, 41, worked at a company that shipped commissary packages to California prisoners when he was indicted as part of a massive investigation of the Aryan Brotherhood.
The California Board of Parole Hearings (BPH) denied release from prison to Matthew Nall, age 46, convicted of murder and attempted murder of a peace officer among other crimes. This hearing was Nall’s first parole hearing.
In 1997, Nall went on a crime spree during which he murdered a man in Ri