Woman Naxalite Kumme Lekam (35), who carried a reward of Rs 1 lakh, was the Hurrepal Panchayat Krantikari Mahila Adivasi Sangthan (KAMS) president, he said. "They were part of Bhairamgarh, Malanger and Katekalyan area committees of the Maoists in south Bastar. They said they were impressed by the police s rehabilitation drive Lon Varratu (return to your home) and disappointed with the hollow Maoist ideology," Rai said.
Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel has directed the officials to take prompt action to get back the deposits of investors from chit fund companies. The Chief Minister held a meeting with State Home Minister Tamradhwaj Sahu and other senior officials at his residence on Friday morning. He gave instructions to constitute a committee of Collector and Superintendent of Police at the district level. This committee would review the progress of action being taken against the chit fund companies, by holding weekly time-bound meetings. Action for recovery should be taken as per the rules, after gathering information about the properties of chit fund companies from investors and local people at district level. Baghel suggested officials to develop a portal for the same.
The CM held a meeting with State Home Minister Tamradhwaj Sahu and other senior officials. (File)
Raipur (Chhattisgarh):
Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel has directed the officials to take prompt action to get back the deposits of investors from chit fund companies.
The Chief Minister held a meeting with State Home Minister Tamradhwaj Sahu and other senior officials at his residence on Friday morning.
He gave instructions to constitute a committee of Collector and Superintendent of Police at the district level. This committee would review the progress of action being taken against the chit fund companies, by holding weekly time-bound meetings. Action for recovery should be taken as per the rules, after gathering information about the properties of chit fund companies from investors and local people at district level. Mr Baghel suggested officials to develop a portal for the same.