May 13 2021 Watson Farley & Williams (“WFW”) has advised Euromont Shipping Company S.p.A. (“Euromont”) and Navigazione Montanari S.p.A. (“Navigazione Montanari”) on c.€35m loan granted by illimity Bank S.p.A. (“illimity”) for the renewal of Navigazione Montanari’s fleet. The six-year loan is backed by Italian export credit agency SACE through its “Garanzia Italia” facility and was partly used by Euromont for the purchase of two product tankers, both of which were built in 2013 in South Korea and originally flew the Singapore flag. The vessels are currently registered in the Genoa International Register as the “Valle Luna” and “Valle Sole” and are equipped with electronic engines that regulate combustion to minimise atmospheric pollution.