Louise Ferguson is with the Department of Plant Sciences at UC Davis, a UC Cooperative Extension Specialist. She noted that research is underway on why a Navel Orangeworm adult lays its egg on a pistachio shell.
Joel Siegel is an entomologist with USDA ARS in Parlier (Fresno County).He noted that grower neighbors can cause you best-laid plans for your good Navel Orangeworm control efforts.
Donny Hicks is an almond grower and works grower relations with RPAC. He said he would be selling his crop into the in-shell market instead of the kernel market because he did not experience much Navel Orangeworm pressure. And the in-shell market is better priced.
Donny Hicks is an almond grower and works grower relations with RPAC. He said he would be selling his crop into the in-shell market instead of the kernel market because he did not experience much Navel Orangeworm pressure. And the in-shell market is better priced.