A farmer sitting in his trailer at Singhu border | Photo Credit:
Akshay Kapoor, Naveen Macro and Mohammed Zuber talk about life at the borders and their experiences while documenting the protests
It is a chilly winter morning at the Singhu border near Delhi. The highway that once connected Delhi to Haryana, is now chock-a-block with tractors and trucks parked by farmers protesting against the Centre’s three farm bills. Freshly made tea is being served. An elderly farmer ties his turban looking into his tractor’s mirror. Few boys play volleyball between the tractors and above them flutters the flag of Bhartiya Kisan Union. A few yards away, a group of women chatters away as they chop onions for the next meal. Slogans and songs that hail revolution are heard from a distance.
Farmers’ stir: 19-year-old NRI from Australia protests at Singhu border, says here to join ‘patriotic movement’
Moose Jattana, who has her roots in Punjab, is known on social media for being outspoken on social issues especially related to women. Updated: December 13, 2020 1:34:32 pm
Moose Jattana at the protest site on Singhu border. (Express Photo)
Among the protesters who have joined the farmers’ fight against Centre’s farm laws at Delhi borders is an Australian girl of Indian origin, Moose Jattana. For the last four days, the 19-year-old from Melbourne has been protesting at the Singhu border, doing volunteer service and assisting photographers on ground to record the ongoing agitation.