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is he going to stick with that? or does this change anything, norm? erin, thanks for having me back. this ratchets up the pressure considerably. we know he did informal cooperation, so the privilege issues can be addressed. the biden white house owns those privilege issues, that s been litigated. pat can t hide behind privilege. is he going to want to go the way of steve bannon and peter navaro, who are being prosecuted for criminal contevempt? pat s a working lawyer. he has a legal obligation to show up. he can attempt to dodge, assert privileges or answer questions however he may think is right. but he can t refuse to show up. or he faces what bannon and navaro are confronting, criminal prosecution. so he s got some tough decisions to make.
contempt charges for former trump advisors dan scavino and navaro. give us the latest. if you talk to committee members, both were asked to hand over documents related to the january 6 investigation. they were asked to sit for depositions. both rejected those invitations from the select committee. both claiming that they were protected und prot protected under executive privilege. the committee believe the current white house are the ones to decide whether or not there is a privilege claim. they suspended all claims as it relates to the investigation. therefore, they should comply. this vote was 220-203. along partisan lines. liz cheney and adam kinzinger
senate. barbara boxer is here. and our interview with the prosecutor overseeing the trump probe and later xeeven colbert getting in on, well, the coup plot. navaro was on msnbc last night. i haven t seen criminal activity so clearly explained on tv by the criminal since rachael ray welcomed co-host jeffery dahmer. welcomed co-host jeffery dahmer. . more delicious, farm-fresh taste. plus, superior nutrition. because the way we care is anything but ordinary. your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed.
covered more than all those other witnesses, i think people understand that so take mr. navaro i mentioned earlier, you subpoenaed him, he was supposed to, comply, appear this week, he is fighting that. here s what he told us when i asked about all this. you just think mike pence is wrong, doesn t understand the law of the constitution? yes. why risk a legal battle or going to jail to refuse to discuss them with the committee under oath? the president has invoked executive privilege. it s not my privilege to stop right there, ari, that s not what happened. finally peter are you prepared to risk inindictment for fighting the subpoena? i ll stand tall on this. now this week as mentioned he seems to be fighting this. what is your response to his claims, will you ultimately get his cooperation or what s next? well the actual president has rejected his claim of executive