Social Security Matters By RUSSELL GLOOR, National Social Security Advisor at the AMAC Foundation Ask Rusty – When Should my Wife Claim Her Social Security Benefit? Dear Rusty: I just …
To be a kid again A pair of daring women in Florida are determined to make it into the Guinness Book of World Records by hopping into their cars for a 500 mile ride from Jacksonville to Key West. It …
Social Security Matters By RUSSELL GLOOR National Social Security Adviser at the AMAC Foundation Ask Rusty – Why Must I Pay Into Social Security when I’m Collecting Benefits? …
What are the odds? Loose your wallet in a swimming pool and it’s easy enough to recover; drop it in the sea and you can kiss it goodbye. Marcie Callawaert lives near Tofino, British Columbia a …
The presentations were made in the ML Becker Educational Center at Enid Woodring Regional Airport to Dr. Earl Mabry, H.B. Evans and R.D. Lawrence. The quilts were presented by Javita