The summer before your senior year in high school is as exciting as it is stressful for the young person considering life after the last 12 years of education.
Tri-Valley students nominated to military service academies
Ceremony held at Dublin City Hall to honor all 10 nominees from across Swalwell s 15th District
Uploaded: Mon, Jun 28, 2021, 5:33 pm
Time to read: about 2 minutes
Congressman Eric Swalwell with this year s nominees hold up their certificates for the U.S. service academies. (Photo courtesy of Swalwell s office)
U.S. Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Livermore) hosted a reception last week at Dublin City Hall in honor of the 10 students from his 15th Congressional District who were nominated by his office to attend America’s military service academies.
The high-schoolers recognized included Tri-Valley students Charles Lee, Claire Tsay, Jacob Marnon, Andrew Wang, Lily Holtmeier, Brandon Norton and Yujin Shim. The criteria used to determine the candidates include factors such as academic achievements, leadership ability, extracurricular activities and character, according to Swalwell s office.
June 10, 2021 at 1:00 AM
WEST ORANGE, NJ West Orange High School AFJROTC (Air Force Junior Reserve Training Corps) Cadet Austin Cowley has been awarded a full scholarship to attend the second annual Air Force Junior ROTC Cyber Academy.
Cowley, a junior, was selected as one of only 100 cadets nationwide.
During this summer’s virtual Cyber Academy Cowley will build his skills under the supervision of instructors from Dakota State University. He will earn college credits and his information technology certification in Cyber.
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