that was the news story on top front page. on the editorial page, we added to that by trying to explain further that the fact that you did a lot of things was important and impactful, but it doesn t necessarily mean all those things were good. we picked on three specific things. his outside role in convincing the president to roll back two of utah s major national monuments. we thought that was a big mistake to do that. the grand staircase escalante has been there 20 years and well established. bears ears national monument was something native americans, navajos and others were working for for generations. we mentioned his stand on the tax bill. we were more or less in favor of the tax bill, we like the corporate tax cut, and we were concerned that six years ago the last time when we endorsed him to finish some things, he made
home you saw surrounding the president there in the oval office yesterday. i want to bring my panel in. sarah huckabee sanders said most people are not offended. they re not concerned about the president making a remark like that. most people are concerned about elizabeth warren lying about her heritage. well, i did an informal poll in line at the grocery store last night and from the people i polled, they were far more offended by president of the united states who brags about grabbing women s genitals than they are about elizabeth warren mischaracterizing or even lying about her ethnicity. all right, bob, let s not have the debate on the how racist are you. at the very least, this is pure gracelessness. there s not a shred of generosity. what does it say about how president trump connects point a to point b? oh, look, i m with navajos, guess what this makes me think of. there are those rare moments where things act wale should not be commented upon.
ma and reenlisted in the army in korean war and saw combat there. they were the three members of the navajo code talkers who were at the white house today. peter mcdonald told the story of the first battle that used navajo code talkers for radio communication during combat. first marine division hit the beach on beaches of gad canal with 15 navajo code talkers. thfts the first battle where the navajo code was to be tested and actual battle. to test, see how our memory would be under heavy enemy fire. well, three weeks after the landing, general and haver grif, grander of the first vandergrif, commander of the first marine division said this is terrific, the enemy never understood it, we don t understand it either but it works, send us some more navajos.
yesterday, they were injured there on the islands when they were there in the campaign. this was a day to honor them and to insert something like that, the word pocahontas as a jab to a senator, that belongs on the campaign trail not in the room when our war heroes are being honored. that was a good gesture by the president, by the white house, to be able to bring our code talkers into the oval office and has not happened before. but then to insert that, i thought it was uncalled for. we need to honor these war heroes, our american war heroes in a respectful way, in any situation, in any circumstance, in any environment. and this was a good environment for americans to say thank you, code talkers. yeah. navajos. you use your language, you ve done this, built this nation to what it is. you were part of the successful war during those years.
would be under heavy enemy fire. well, three weeks after the landing, general and haver grif, grander of the first vandergrif command irv ter of the first ma division said this is terrific, the enemy never understood it, we don t understand it either but it works, send us some more navajos. all of that got lost in the moment after peter mcdonald finished speaking. you were here long before any of us we re here, though we have a representative in congress who says she was here long ago, they call her pocahontas.