Yes, I was able to/am already vaccinated. 73%, 11 votes 11 votes 73%
I m not getting the vaccine. 20%, 3 votes 3 votes 20%
No, I haven t been able to find an opening. 7%, 1 vote 1 vote 7%
I am not eligible for the vaccine yet. 0%, 0 votes 0 votes
Total Votes: 15
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Yes, I was able to/am already vaccinated. 73%, 11 votes 11 votes 73%
I m not getting the vaccine. 20%, 3 votes 3 votes 20%
No, I haven t been able to find an opening. 7%, 1 vote 1 vote 7%
I am not eligible for the vaccine yet. 0%, 0 votes 0 votes
Total Votes: 15
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