The beginning of the pandemic struck fear into the hearts of many Canadians, but it also made them notice birdsong near home. It could be that the sudden decrease in traffic and noise increased the bird population but more likely that people were at home and had more time to hear and contemplate birds. The…
warnings as we go throughout the evening. i think we ll try to track this for you. play with the weather graphics a little bit more you. this is the area we are talking about. this is wichita and this gives you an idea of viola, we saw that earlier today. a tornado emergency in place for wichita and the weather service workers in wichita have actually taken cover, turned over service to topeka because it is so dangerous. we want to make sure they re making sure that we re safe but we also want to make sure they re safe as well. this is at the mid continent airport in wichita, kansas. very alarming here, too, because we are talking about a fairly populated area. absolutely. we ll see more of these popping up across kansas and oklahoma as we go throughout night. here is a question for you. so what happens when a nature expert sets up a camera in the alaskan wilderness hoping to get a close and personal video of a grizzly bear. well amazingly, it works.