This means that by some method, health threat, threat of war, or real war, economic collapse, the list is endless now, the powers who did these things intend to create another “emergency” ahead of the 2024 elections. The plan is to stop the 2024 election from even taking place.
Recently Yaron Brook and Bryan Caplan debated the merits of anarchism at the Soho Forum. Bob critiques Brook's opening statement. The Soho Forum Debate:…
There is no statute of limitation on treason and sedition. If the American People don’t stand together to enforce the Natural Born Citizen requirement today, and prosecute all who have violated it to date, no matter which political party, there is no way to save our Constitutional Republic from cert
For many of the founders, property rights were the foundation of all the others. James Madison took things even further, arguing that people not only have a right to property, but also a property in their rights - tying property rights, self ownership and all natural rights together.