There are limits to what short-term relief can be provided for the Spanish and Moroccan markets, but both countries ought to be planning now for the 2022-2023 heating season. [Gas in Transition, Volume 1, Issue 8]
Gazprom touts green credentials
Summary Gazprom has also pointed out in the past that its measured and verified methane emissions are among the lowest in the gas industry.
by: Joseph Murphy
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Gazprom touts green credentials
Russia s Gazprom estimates that its natural gas supplies to Europe have a significantly smaller carbon footprint than competing LNG shipments, the company said in a presentation on May 18.
Gazprom s gas supplies to Europe via the Nord Stream and TurkStream pipelines have a carbon footprint of only 6.3 and 7.8 grams of CO
2 equivalent/MJ of energy, the company said. The estimates cover the production, treatment and pipeline transport of the gas.