3 harboo 3 wednesday, january 2nd 3 3 3 3 3 3 after a lonn day on capitol hill. Thh house approves a plan to fix the fiscal cciff. Preventing middle classstaxes from going up. Up. On this vote the yays re 257 he ays re 167, the motion is adopted adoptedindividuals earning 400thousand dollars a year or morr, and households earning 450thousand dollars or more. Will see their taxes the deal also xtends unemployment bbnefits. Some argued. The bill did not go far enough. But suuporters argued the ccuntry could not afford to not pass it. P 51 theesenate, the presidenn pand thh viceepresident failed pto meet their obligation, their own stated obbigation which was to bring us a balanced bill. One that had tax adjustments, yes, but also had spending cutss this one fails at that and fails badly. Pprevents 98 of americans fro having their tacks taxes go up. Decisions on the controoersial spending cuts are put on hold for two months. The house will now send theebill to president obama. Ho iss expe
this neighborhood is just too the east of york road in north baltimore.many people tell us they are coping with thh heat by sleeping in theirrbasements with candles and flashliihts. the homeowner here tells us she s wwiting to hear from them and the tility company somebody has to be last, i ll put it that way. if it s me, that s the way it ii, but i certainly would have likeddto seee a quicker response. response. yeah. it s very frustrating. bbcause, we re living in limbo. we just don t know from one day to the next because therees no activity. reporter describes what it is cues photographer to show daakness.reporting from show darkness. reporting from dark north news late eeition.ssler, fox45 b-g-e has restored power to more than two-thirdssof &pcustomers and they re still working round the clock... 3 the storm toppled many trees. which took out power lines along the way.the pompany is reminding customers that this is a very llbor intensive cleanup and thhy are assing fo
but only for a limited time, at olive garden. we re into the third day ow - without electric.. i dont knoo what we re gonna do. do. the clean p continues dayss after a deadly storm tears through maryland.tonight. the race to restore power. as a heat wave bears down on baltimore. hello, i m jennifer gilbert jeff barnd is off onight nearll 200-thousand people remain without power wearing thin. thin.paul gessler joins us live from a section of nortt baltimore going on 71 hours without electricity.paul? this tree came craahing down into the front yarr of the home here on cedarcroft road.as far as the homeowner knows, the home is not damaged.she is, like many still in this neighborhood, though, without power. this neighborhood is just too the east of york road in north baltimore.many people tell us they are coping with thh heat by sleeping in theirrbasements with candles and flashliihts. the homeowner here tells us she s wwiting to hear from them and the tility company somebody
oo affected schools on our website foxbaltimore doo com slash morning.in anne arundel and howard county all summer programs are canceled. &p3 3 map bellirfibermap 3 the recovery continuess friday s massive storms still have mmre than a quarter of a million b-g-e customers without power. power.here s a look at the patest numbers.according to b-g-e s website. total. anne arundel county. 3 anne arunnel cuntt. baltimore city. baltimore county. carroll county. county. joel d. smith is streaming now in norrheast baltimore with the latest on the cleanup and how much longer so many will be in the dark and in the heat. good morning joee d. (ad lib) schools, businesses, traffic lights.. yyu name it, so many are still you name it,,so traffic lights.. businesses, schools, businesses, traffic lights.. you nameeitt so many are still feeling the results of those 3 nasty storms, and take the rest of the week to restore power ooall. &p in so many areas,,here s the story in so many areass all.
technology being usedd everyddy. that has some peopll seconn-guessing their chins. 3 3 -harbor 3 wednesday, april 18th 3 3 ,3 33 3 baltimore s fire trucks could soon look a little different. for fire companies one city councilman is proposing the enginns serve as billboards. &pmegan giililaad is here with more on how hey could be &pgood morning patrice,although advertisinggalonside the big red trucks seems aalittle different. one cconcilman says it s an idee that could o. times. with city fire companiessconstantly on the cutttng board. counciiman hoping they money earned will keep fire companies open.you may remeeber three years agoo.. rotating closures weree forced on the city s fire departmenn byythe city chief clack annnunced a fire companies thhs summer.fire -t - (34:16)iihope thattwe eep alll of our fire houses and residual revenue to acttally bby new eqqipment(fire trrck na) naas)firefighhers say its too early to jump onnboard of welch s proposal. but if slapping on a