additional drive-by murders while we were at maricopa. he has pled not guilty to the new charges. cousin ice. they re trying to say everybody that dies in phoenix he had something to do with it. just because i m duker love. every time somebody s body comes up missing, they say i did it. dinell thompson had other choices in life before he took on the persona of duker love. he would have been a star football player. duker had scholarships to colleges, runningback. he chose to do the alley. you know what i mean? so, that s the mentality. yeah, i was ranked. i wasn t ranked in the nation i chose the streets over that. why? streets attracted me the most. i loved the streets. streets are my bitch. what excites you about it? the banging, guns, the money, the killing, all of it. to thompson s cellmate and sometimes mentor, wasting such potential is the real crime.
while we were at maricopa. he has pled not guilty to the new charges. cousin ice. they re trying to say everybody that dies in phoenix he had something to do with it. just because i m duker love. every time somebody s body comes up missing, they say i did it. dinell thompson had other choices in life before he took on the persona of duker love. he would have been a star football player. duker had scholarships to colleges, runningback. he chose to do the alley. you know what i mean? so, that s the mentality. yeah, i was ranked. i wasn t ranked in the nation i chose the streets over that. why? streets attracted me the most. i loved the streets. streets are my bitch. what excites you about it? the banging, guns, the money, the killing, all of it. to thompson s cellmate and sometimes mentor, wasting such potential is the real crime. and that s something titus
i am glad i didn t just do that. he keeps me cool. i am a hot head. i snap at somebody real quick. he keeps me out of it. despite the fact that there was a sort of mentor relationship, you could see cousin ice couldn t totally impart all he had learned in his years on to dooker. fisher told us the gang banging has changed since he was thompson s age. we wanted to protect ourselves side of town. none of us own nothing, but we call it our side of town. when i was 18, you heard about somebody getting shot once every three months and now it s every day somebody is getting shot. thompson can attest to that. he has been shot eight times. i am scare of death.
he chose to do the alley. you know what i mean? so, that s the mentality. yeah, i was ranked. i wasn t ranked in the nation i chose the streets over that. why? streets attracted me the most. i loved the streets. streets are my bitch. what excites you about it? the banging, guns, the money, the killing, all of it. to thompson s cellmate and sometimes mentor, wasting such potential is the real crime. and that s something titus fisher was determined not to see happen to his own children. he moved his family from california to arizona to help them avoid a future of gang-banging. i ve seen my son getting ready to start when he was only 14. so, i hurried up and got him out of there. that s another reason i moved out here. when we moved out here, i said, you can be whatever you want to be. you know what i mean? now he s straight-as. he hasn t got a b in, like, three years. he s straight-as. on the football team. star football player. so, he s on his way to do something. you
banging. guns and money and killing. all of it. to thompson s cellmate and mentor, wasting such potential is the real crime. that s something that titus fisher was determined to see not happen to his own children. he moved his family from california to arizona. that s to help him avoid a future of gang banging. i seen my son getting ready to start when he was 14. i got him out of here. that s another reason we moved out. i said now you can be whatever you want to be. now he is straight a s and hasn t gotten a b in years. star football player. he s on his way to do something. thompson also has three children. their future seems less certain. you don t bang, but daddy bang. is that what you want for him? he will have the same life. if he wants something else, go