Amara Campanini, a student at Brevard High School, has been selected to represent Brevard as a National Youth Delegate to the 2023 Washington Youth Summit on the Environment at George
Seabury Hall junior Dean Tapler has been selected to represent Kahului as a National Youth Delegate to the 2023 Washington Youth Summit on the Environment at George Mason University in Washington, D.C.
Twenty-two teachers from Rutherford County attended the "Gifted Academy" in July – a collaboration between Rutherford County Schools and Murfreesboro City Schools.
The program was fully funded by The Jennings and Rebecca Jones Foundation by way of a grant. This unique training opportunity provided RCS teachers a means of furthering their professional development in a targeted area of need, said Courtney Brown, the RCS Gifted Services supervisor.
Participants of the academy investigated m .