Rift Valley fever – Kenya (12 February 2021)
Rift Valley fever (RVF) has been reported in Kenya in humans in Isiolo and Mandera counties and in animals in Isiolo, Mandera, Murang a and Garissa counties. As of 4 February 2021, there were a total of 32 human cases (14 confirmed positive), and 11 deaths (CFR 34 %).
Isiolo County
The event is believed to have started on 19 November 2020, with deaths among herders presenting with symptoms of fever, headache, general malaise with or without nausea, epistaxis/hematemesis, and abdominal pain/diarrhoea reported to the County Department of Health in Isiolo. The first human case was reported in late November 2020 from Sericho ward in Garbatulla Subcounty. Deaths have been reported in Gafarsa and Erisaboru within Garbatulla subcounty as well Korbesa in Merti subcounty. On 16 December, RVF was confirmed by PCR at the National Virology Laboratory (NVL), Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI). As of 4 February 2021, a total of 22 hum