The Chakhesang Youth Front (CYF) in collaboration with State Institute of Rural Development (SIRD) today conducted one day seminar on “Rural Economic Self Reliance” and “Prevention & Remedies of African Swine Fever (ASF) & Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD)” at Pfu
Posco International announced Thursday that it has exported a swine pneumonia vaccine Vietnam's to National Veterinary Joint Stock Company or NAVETCO, marking Posco's first overseas animal vaccine export. Developed by Innovac, a venture company run by a group of researchers at Kangwon National University, the vaccine, called INO MHP, can immunize around 100,000 pigs, the company said. The swine pneumonia va.
In June this year, Vietnam announced that it had successfully developed a vaccine to administer to pigs to fight African swine fever, with the aim of becoming the first country to commercially produce and export it.
HANOI (Vietnam News/Asia News Network): About 750 pigs are reported to have died after being injected with NAVET-ASFVAC, the first home-grown African swine fever vaccine produced by Vietnam, though an agriculture official has refuted claims the deaths are related to the quality of the vaccine.