The world of agriculture is increasingly using social networks and digital apps. The Fracture numérique (digital divide) project, coordinated by CIRAD, has set out to characterize how these technologies are used in West Africa. The project was launched simultaneously in Benin, Ivory Coast and Senegal, in three value chains with different issues, and is also intended to analyse the factors that hinder or favour the adoption of digital technologies in the agricultural sector. The eventual aim is to contribute to the inclusive, sustainable development of such technologies, to benefit farmers.
The Consulate General of Vietnam in the Cambodian province of Preah Sihanouk in collaboration with a private company has visited two Vietnamese-origin teachers on the occasion of the Vietnamese Teachers’ Day (November 20).
CATIE Centro Agronómico Tropical de Inves : The National Platform for Sustainable Livestock Production in Honduras has been made official
06/29/2021 | 03:25pm EDT
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With technical support from CATIE, the national institutions of the Honduran livestock sector create a governance body to promote sustainable livestock development in the country.
June 29, 2021.Cattle ranching is one of the main economic activities in Honduras, generating around 400,000 jobs annually, which represents approximately 33% of employment in the agricultural sector (1.2 million people) and 10% of total national employment (BCH, 2018). However, livestock farming in the country is characterized by extensive production systems, with high impact on the environment and low productivity, where about 100,000 farms occupy about 3 million hectares of pasture, with a cattle population of about 1.5 million head (INE 2008).