Of the committee resumes its meaning for the purpose of consider the budget resolution for fiscal year 2018. In ordering it reported. A business corpus present. I will forgo an Opening Statement but want to point out we will begin the consideration of amendments. I like to remind senators that as a result of using the new five day rule in which the resolution was provided to the offices last week, only timely filed amendments will be ordered. I want to thank both for following that court rule. Thank you for your cooperation forgiving. Members will be recognized for three minutes to explain the amendment, a member post will be given to minutes in opposition. When we have decided on the time will have one minute evenly divided prior to the votes. As has been the practice all amendments other than complete substitutes have to be fully offset over the total years. Amendments we know they are no senate amendments. Its considered to be a privilege matter we consulted on amendments offered to
I will remind the committee that as a result of the new five day rule, which was provided last week, only timely filed amendments will be in order. I want to thank both sides of the aisle for following that rule. I want to thank everybody for their operation for getting to this point. Members will be recognized for three minutes to explain their amendment. A member of post will be given two minutes in opposition. Decided,n we have there will be an additional minute just prior to those votes. As has been the practice of prior chairs, all amendments, other than complete substitutes, have to be offset over the years covered by the current budget resolution. Senate amendments will not be permitted. We know there are not any of those. We have consulted with the Senate Parliamentarian about amendments offered to make sure they do not risk status endangered to the resolution. Amendment would fund the resolution, i will will it out of order. Whenrs will be present votes take place in order for
Decertify the deal. Continue to watch this hearing online at cspan. Org. Here on cspan taking you live to the u. S. House. They gavel in for legislative work, beginning work on debate rules for fridays bill dealing with whistleblower protections. Live coverage here on cspan. The speaker the house will be in order. The prayer will be offered by the guest chaplain, reverend molly fraser, fwig harbor United Methodist church, gig harbor, washington. The chaplain god of many names we give thanks for many opportunities to serve and remind us we are servants of our country, our people, and the land. Let us not forget the blessings you have given us so we might use our power and influence to oorder the country in ways that allow each and every person to find life and liberty and to pursue happiness. Become, perhaps we come, perhaps already weary from an onslaught of emails, texts, fen calls, and meetings where people make demands on how we vote and assumptions on every decision we put forward.
And this land we love. In these days of stress and strain, continue to be the shepherd who will guide them to your desired destination. Lord, thank you for forgiving our sins, healing our sickness, filling our lives with good things, and surrounding us with your love. Continue to be a celestial parent to our nation and world, sustaining us all with your tender compassion and mighty power. God of mercy and grace, transform our dark yesterdays into bright tomorrows. We pray in your marvelous name. Amen. The presiding officer please join me in reciting the pledge i pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. The presiding officer the clerk will read a communication to the senate. The clerk washington d. C, october 18, 2017. To the senate under the provisions of rule 1, paragraph 3, of the standing rules of the senate, i hereby appoint the honorable rand paul, a
Senators come to the floor to talk about the budget resolution and tax reform. We would hear from senators merkley and murray and later senator jack reed of maryland. Our nation was founded on a principle encapsulated in the first most important words of the constitution we the people. Our founders wanted us to have a nation that didnt work for the powerful and privileged but for the people by the people and for the people as president lincoln so eloquently described the nation mocks by hand for the privileged i am for the people. Tomorrow a bill this coming to the floor that couldnt be more of a powerful bill than weve seen on the floor of the senate beforere. The fundamental values in the constitution, this bill is a budget bill and it at its heart it says we are going to do 5 trillion of tax cuts almost completely for the richest americans by cutting programs that make america work for working americans. It says im not going to do anything for the rich and powerful but why, i ask yo