things objective. you talk about staying tall that you kind of went over, use your resources and number four, save your future. that s the ultimate goal but what do you mean? what i mean is that you don t want your crisis to be a saga of troubles. you want it to be a short story. so you should do a one hour life audit on yourself. and that s what i described in the instant survivor, how to do that on your relationships, your career, your health, your finances. the four areas of your life that are so critical to how you re doing. you know what s interesting, number 5 that you didn t put down there is blame bolling. that seems to be the popular one. absolutely. it couldn t possibly be his fault! that s our natural reaction, right, is to find somebody else to blame. that s why you need really an instant survivor s system to get through it. the name of the book the instant survivor jim thanks so much. great to be here, thanks. national symbol of freedom so why is the gove