Judy and Bob Matilla of Metamora Township opened their home and backyard to about 30 attendees, 12 children and 18 adults to commemorate Flag Day. Most were the couple’s grandchildren,
Members of the Judge Nathaniel Pope Society, Children of the American Revolution, were joined by the Fort Payne Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, at the Naperville Cemetery Saturday, May 27, for a wreath-laying ceremony to honor Naperville s Revolutionary War patriot John Dudley Sr.
Davidson County s Abbie Page was elected president of the North Carolina Society, Children of the American Revolution at its state conference in March.
The local Elias Cady Society, Children of the American Revolution (C.A.R.) recently enjoyed a joint meeting with Sashabaw Plains Chapter, Daughters of the Revolution (DAR) and Michigan Society State President
Apr 23, 2021
The Lac Vieux Desert Trail Society, National Society of the Children of the American Revolution, added three new members at a recent gathering. Melody, Katie and DJ Nowicki are sworn in by Chaplain Russ Modell Jr. during the dinner meeting at Big Boy. Children of the American Revolution is open to youth from birth to age 21 who have are descended from a Revolutionary War patriot. If you are interested in joining Lac Vieux Desert Trail, email Heather Modell, Senior President, at modehl@aol.com. (Submitted photo)
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