(Archived document, may contain errors) 117 April 28, 1980 THE DEFENSE DEBA.TE PROSPECTS AND .ALTER'NATlVES INTRODUCTION The Carter Admini stration's FY 1981 defense budget and five-year defense program have undergone intense scrutiny during the first two months of the current congressional session.
(Archived document, may contain errors) A POSITIVE COMPLIANCE REGIME FOR THE INF TREATY by Robin Ranger In 1961 Fred C. Ikle predicted that ".a potential violator of an arms-control agreement will not be deterred simply by the risk that his action may be discovered. What will deter him will be the fear that what he gains from the violation will be outweighed by the loss he may suffer from the victim's reaction to it. [But] . democratic governments might experience serious political difficulties in reacting effectively to a detecte d evasion."