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BLACKSBURG, Virginia, April 22, 2021 (ENS) – “Inland freshwater salt pollution is rising nationwide and worldwide, and we investigated the potential conflict between managing freshwater salt pollution and the sustainable practice of increasing water supply through the addition of highly treated wastewater to surface waters and groundwaters,” said Stanley Grant, professor of civil and environmental engineering in the Virginia Tech College of Engineering.
“If we don’t figure out how to reverse this trend of salt pollution soon, it may become one of our nation’s top environmental challenges.” Grant and his collaborators have published their findings in the journal “Nature Sustainability.”
IMAGE: Image of the Bull Run River that feeds the Occoquan Reservoir, an important source of water supply to Fairfax Water, a water utility serving about 2 million people in Northern. view more
Credit: Virginia Tech
Water touches virtually every aspect of human society, and all life on earth requires it. Yet, fresh, clean water is becoming increasingly scarce one in eight people on the planet lack access to clean water. Drivers of freshwater salt pollution such as de-icers on roads and parking lots, water softeners, and wastewater and industrial discharges further threaten freshwater ecosystem health and human water security.
In a West Sacramento lab, Kirsten Kehlet, a product developer for The Better Meat Co., works with a team of microbiologists, chemical engineers, chefs and food scientists to develop plant-based ingredients that blend seamlessly with meat. Plant proteins such as pea, bamboo and algae are combined with fibers, fats and flavors to create allergen-free, clean label formulas that mimic the characteristics of animal protein, says Kehlet clean label foods have as few (and recognizable) ingredients as possible. Those formulas are designed to be blended with animal meats such as ground beef and sausage up to 50 percent, reducing the number of animals used for food and