WFP Jordan Country Brief, December 2020
7,687 Jordanians and refugees benefited from livelihood activities
USD 53.6 million six months net funding requirements (January - June 2021)
Operational Updates
• Under the General Food Assistance activity, WFP continued providing monthly food assistance through cash-based transfers to almost half a million refugees residing in camps and communities in December. Most refugees benefiting from this assistance come from Syria, with a minority from Iraq, Yemen, Sudan, and Somalia.
• As part of the response to COVID-19 and to address refugees increasing vulnerabilities, WFP has expanded its coverage in December to include 15,730 refugees (5,613 households) since August 2020.
• In Za’atari and Azraq camps, UNHCR has now installed cooking facilities for beneficiaries in quarantine enabling them to cook for themselves. WFP has adjusted its approach, distributing a mix of welcome meals and food parcels to beneficiaries in quarant